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Prentice Hall Literature: Silver by Saki (H. H. Munro), Isaac A... ISBN: 9780136985235 List Price: $90.85
History of Classical Greek Literature : Pt. I. the Poets [epic and Lyric] with an Appendix o... by Sir John Pentland Mahaffy, ... ISBN: 9781175218001 List Price: $28.75
Memoirs on the History, Folk-Lore, and Distribution of the Races of the North Western Provin... by Sir Henry Miers Elliot ISBN: 9781174845963 List Price: $34.75
Scientific Papers of the Honourable Henry Cavendish, F. R. S by Cavendish, Henry, Maxwell, ... ISBN: 9781108018210 List Price: $35.99
Earl Canning by Cunningham, Sir Henry Stewart ISBN: 9781151019776 List Price: $21.14
A Geometrical Political Economy, Being an Elementary Treatise on the Method of Explaining So... by Cunynghame, Sir Henry Hardi... ISBN: 9781152262584 List Price: $20.00
How I Found Livingstone by Sir Henry M. Stanley ISBN: 9781438528038 List Price: $23.45
Adventures of an Officer in the Punjaub by Lawrence, Sir Henry Montgomery ISBN: 9781154154795 List Price: $20.00
Sacred Writings II: Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Mohammedan: The Five Foot Shelf of Classics,... by Eliot, Charles W., Warren, ... ISBN: 9781616401658 List Price: $24.95
With Stanley's Rear Column ... With illustrations [and map]. by John Rose Troup, Henry Mort... ISBN: 9781241490058 List Price: $36.75
The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the kingdoms and marvels of the East. N... by Marco Polo, Henry Sir K.C.S... ISBN: 9781241489397 List Price: $47.75
Sweet Lavender. Founded, under special permission, on the celebrated play, by A. W. Pinero. ... by Henry Llewellyn Williams, S... ISBN: 9781241693275 List Price: $17.75
The Great Forest of Central Africa; its Cannibals and Pigmies. [A lecture.] by Sir Henry Morton Stanley ISBN: 9781241692803 List Price: $17.75
Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen. by Leslie Sir. Stephen, Henry ... ISBN: 9781241476380 List Price: $37.75
The Deemster. by Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine ISBN: 9781241702427 List Price: $22.75
Across Africa, and the Rescue and Retreat of Emin Pasha. [A lecture.] by Sir Henry Morton Stanley ISBN: 9781241697181 List Price: $17.75
The Months illustrated by pen and pencil. The designs by Noel Humphreys, J. Gilbert, etc. by Anonymous, Sir John Gilbert... ISBN: 9781241696092 List Price: $26.75
The Rescue of Emin Pasha and our march athwart Darkest Africa. [A lecture.] by Sir Henry Morton Stanley, E... ISBN: 9781241702984 List Price: $17.75
My African Travels. [An address.] by Sir Henry Morton Stanley ISBN: 9781241703547 List Price: $17.75
Reflexions on the Actor's Art by Talma, Irving, Sir Henry ISBN: 9781168839565 List Price: $25.56
Manual of the Geology of Indi : Economic Geology, Volume 3, Part 1 by Geological Survey Of India,... ISBN: 9781173025564 List Price: $18.75
Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic by Hamilton, Sir, William, He... ISBN: 9781173038571 List Price: $44.75
De la Reforma de la Hacienda Pública de Inglaterr by Parnell, Sir Henry ISBN: 9781173045319 List Price: $35.75
History of Herodotus by Halicarnasseus, Herodotus, ... ISBN: 9781173056988 List Price: $44.75
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